Google Translator lshkafka wka;¾cd,h Ndú; lrk fndfyda fofkla NdId mßj¾:kh i|yd fhdod.kak fiajdjla' ta;a fï fjklï bx.%Sis NdIdj yd isxy, NdIdj w;r mßj¾:k i|yd Google Translator iydh oelajQfha keye' ta;a wo mgka isxy, NdIdj bx.%Sis NdIdjg;a" bx.%Sis isxy,g;a mßj¾:kh lrkakg yelshdj ,eî ;sfnkjd'
Tng;a .+.,a mßj¾:k fiajh isxy, NdIdfjka ,nd.ekSug
fj; msúfikak'
February 12, 2015 at 12:56 AM
However, its use was primarily utilitarian for weapons and tools before the Middle Ages. Due to rusting, very little remains of early ironwork. Armour also was decorated, often simply but occasionally elaborately Professional translation. From the 16th century onwards, ironwork became highly ornate especially in the Baroque and Rococo periods.