w¨;a.u isoaÈh ms,snoj udOH yuqjla ixúOdkh l, ˜;õysoa cud;a˜ meñ‚ udOH fõ§kag remsh,a mkaishh .dfka §,d
miq.shod w¨;a.u we;sjQ fkdikaiqkaldÍ jd;djrKh ms,sn| lreKq oelaùu i|yd ;õysoa cud;a ixúOdkh Bfha udOHh yuqjla ixúOdkhfldg ;snq‚'
tys§ woyia oelajQ tu ixúOdkfha l%shdldÍka lshd isáfha fuu m%ydr;a iu. uqia,sï ck;djf.a wdrlaYdj ms,sn| .eg¿jla u;=j we;s nj;a jydu thg úi÷ï fok f,i;ah'
fuu m%ydrh msgqmi isákafka fndÿ n, fiakdfõ .,f.dv we;af;a {dkidr ysñku nj;a flkao lkaola l, Wkajykafia jydu w;awvx.=jg .kakd f,i;a tu ixúOdkh b,a,d isáfhah'
miq.shod we;sjQ fkdikaiqka;djfhka wirK jQ uqia,sï ck;djg wdOdr lsÍu i|yd tu ixúOdkh úh,s wdydr øjHh /f.k .sh wjia:dfõ thgo tys isá we;eï msßia ndOd l, nj tu ixúOdkh úiska fy<sfldg ;snq‚'
fujka .egqï j,ska mjikafka uqia,sï cd;slhkag ,xldfõ msgj hdhq;= njkï ;ud thg iQodkï kuq;a th rgg t;rï ys;lr fkdjk njo tu ixúOdkh úiska m%ldY lrk ,§'
udOHh yuqj wjidkfha ;õysoa cudâ ixúOdkh úiska th wdjrKh lsÍug meñ‚ udOHhfjÈkg remsh,a 500 fld< ,nd§u tysisá fndfyda udOHhfõ§kaf.a wm%idohg ,laj we;' -

tys§ woyia oelajQ tu ixúOdkfha l%shdldÍka lshd isáfha fuu m%ydr;a iu. uqia,sï ck;djf.a wdrlaYdj ms,sn| .eg¿jla u;=j we;s nj;a jydu thg úi÷ï fok f,i;ah'
fuu m%ydrh msgqmi isákafka fndÿ n, fiakdfõ .,f.dv we;af;a {dkidr ysñku nj;a flkao lkaola l, Wkajykafia jydu w;awvx.=jg .kakd f,i;a tu ixúOdkh b,a,d isáfhah'
miq.shod we;sjQ fkdikaiqka;djfhka wirK jQ uqia,sï ck;djg wdOdr lsÍu i|yd tu ixúOdkh úh,s wdydr øjHh /f.k .sh wjia:dfõ thgo tys isá we;eï msßia ndOd l, nj tu ixúOdkh úiska fy<sfldg ;snq‚'
fujka .egqï j,ska mjikafka uqia,sï cd;slhkag ,xldfõ msgj hdhq;= njkï ;ud thg iQodkï kuq;a th rgg t;rï ys;lr fkdjk njo tu ixúOdkh úiska m%ldY lrk ,§'
udOHh yuqj wjidkfha ;õysoa cudâ ixúOdkh úiska th wdjrKh lsÍug meñ‚ udOHhfjÈkg remsh,a 500 fld< ,nd§u tysisá fndfyda udOHhfõ§kaf.a wm%idohg ,laj we;' -
June 18, 2014 at 12:49 PM
To LankaGossip, Hello writer where is the pictures kiled,injured persons, burnt houses and shops were damaged of Lankan Muslims,If one tree felts down and a Dog dies in sri lanka you published all, Why dont you be a independant/neutral media reporter, Are you happy that thowheed jamath says muslims go out from sri lanka? Do you think its happen?? Pls don't dream..And Muslims is Sri Lankans citizens, My requests is as a media please treat all as human beings and all lankan citizens, dont support to make again another ethnik war in our belowed Mother Country in Sri Lanka, Thanks. Lanka gossip reader.
June 19, 2014 at 10:49 AM
Sinhalese are peaceful nation. Who like to disturb someone's peace? Muslims used to claim Buddhism is a false teaching blab blab and one day Sri Lanka will be a muslim Islamic country. Do go and search for forum and see what the ground level muslims are taught by the mosques. It is not the picture you see from out side or surface. Ulamas introduced halal and forced SL Muslims to eat only halal while they were used to halal foods their own so far without issues. But Ulamas had gone extra mile and asked muslims NOT to consume foods by naming brands in their web site which is not halal. Bhudism is non-violant and refused animal killing. But in Sri Lanka due to tourism and christian and other community used to consume meet, it was not restricted. But when Muslim Ulamas claim that as a official law, which is well known Sharia, No one liked it. This is the main reason for surfacing the BBS. Though they used hard line, the base reason is, muslims used false claims to get done waht they want. Sri Lanka has law they doesn't need laws by religions, and races! regardless of what religions teaches. Why muslims can't obay one law in c country? If muslims can't practice their law in other country how come they claim that nation is racist?
June 19, 2014 at 10:50 AM
Ane yannako.. loku pinak kara ganne!
June 19, 2014 at 3:05 PM
Usual muslims... :D think every damn thing they do can be covered by money.May be kuran says so :D:D
June 20, 2014 at 7:23 AM
This is a haiwaru kaththawa. You are responsible for present situation. It is you who started 'Halal' in this Sinhalese Buddhist country You who brought Hijab and Burga dress. In 1990,this dress was not unheard. Do we need Quazi Court ? It is a carboard tiger. It should be aboloshed. Muslims Marriage Ordinance should be repealed as it advocates slavery which is against Sri Lanka's Constitution. Two laws are in one country.All radical Muslim organisations should be banned. Persons entering Sinhalese villages for conversion should be thrashed. Govt. should introduce a dress code. No one should cover his or her head.It is vital for identity.. Put your house in order before attacking others.
June 21, 2014 at 10:03 AM
thowheed jamath is terrorism team they are destroy alkuran,Islamic culture and Muslim people's habitat.go to another country and good Islamic people stay in our country.we dua every day.